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Monday, December 17, 2012

Dear Senator, Congressman or Congresswoman More Gun Control is not the answer

I am a 71 year old senior citizen, veteran who took an oath to uphold our Constitution just as you did and the President did when sworn into office and most importantly a parent of a murdered child like those  who sadly, tragically and senselessly became on Friday December 14, 2012 in Newton, CT.

 I urge you to remember that when you took your oath of office you swore to uphold the entire constitution not just the parts you like or agree with. That being said please remember the 2nd Amendment is a part of the U.S. Constitution you swore to uphold.

 As you a member of congress begin your dialogue about what should, could and must be done in order to take necessary steps to prevent such horrific mass murders in the future I want to urge you not to only concentrate on gun control as the only means to see this doesn’t happen again as much as is humanly possible.

 I want to share my thoughts with you and why I am opposed to more gun control laws and why I have a lot of anger with the left leaning media and the Democratic Party as they are going to do everything within their power to circumvent, limit and even destroy our rights as Americans to bear arms.

 Point One: Tragedies such as the Newtown, CT shooting while being despicable and horrible the typical knee-jerk reaction of the President and our elected representatives must be carefully weighed so that in the interest of preventing these horrific events we don’t jeopardize our constitutional rights.

 Point Two: The current President, his administration and a large segment of the Democratic Party has had since the Clinton Administration targeted (no pun intended) the rights of all citizens to possess and bear arms.

 Point Three: While the left and the liberal media is always quick to want to take away or at least severely restrict our right to bear arms they don’t have the same fervor to protect their constituents or society after they have become victims. In other words they value the rights of criminals, even convicted ones more than they do the rights of law-abiding citizens to be able to defend themselves as I will illustrate further on in this letter.

 Case in Point A: Recently in California Governor Brown signed into law Senate Bill (SB9) Authored by California State Senator Yee of San Francisco which in effect overturns all sentences of LWOP (Life without the possibility of Parole) of juveniles who committed their heinous and barbaric murders of innocent victims (including children like those in Newton, CT.) Murderers who have already been afforded all their rights within the Constitution and the American Criminal Justice System, found guilty and sentenced for their crimes. In short, these murderers will be given a second chance and possibly allowed to be paroled while the loved ones of their victims will be re-victimized by being forced to re-live those horrendous crimes even though they thought the criminal justice system and the sentences handed down would assure they are never again free and allowed to prey upon an unsuspecting society. Now they will be forced to attend parole hearings in order to see they are not paroled. Given the mood of American’s everywhere since Friday, December 14, 2012 I doubt seriously if you could now get them to agree that heinous murderers should be given a second chance.

Case in Point B: California Senator Feinstein has always been a champion of giving victim’s a right and standing in the U.S. Constitution through a constitutional Victim’s Rights Amendment since there currently isn’t any such rights in it at present. Such an Amendment was defeated in 1998 primarily by the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee blocking it from ever getting out of committee. I know this for a fact because I travelled to Washington, DC to testify in favor of a Victim’s Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution at my own expense as a victim’s rights advocate.  However, as illustrated through her recent statements she is dedicated to taking away our 2nd Amendment Rights by limiting and outlawing what she and the liberal left labels as assault weapons. I feel most certain this will be but the first of many efforts at diminishing or eliminating our gun rights, which is the true intent and now not so hidden agenda of this administration and the Democrats.

Case in Point C: U.N. Arms Trade Treaty; Given the fact that perhaps up until the shootings in Newtown, CT on Friday 12/14/12 the Obama Administration felt that it could not  get gun control legislation through congress they took a back-door approach in getting gun control laws passed through the United Nations. Fortunately a bi-partisan group of 51 Senators led by Kansas Senator Jerry Moran signed a letter addressed to the President that if the administration signed the treaty the Senate would not ratify it.

This one point alone serves as showing the true intent of this President and his administration and the liberal left, media and the Democratic Party’s real agenda, total and complete gun control laws, confiscation of all legally owned firearms in America and elimination of the 2nd Amendment.

Case in Point D: Dear Senator, Congressman or Congresswoman while reading this you might begin to think who is this uncaring, cold, heartless person that would still oppose more and restrictive gun control in light of the recent mass murders that have taken place the past few months?

Please allow me to answer this question before you throw my letter to you in your waste basket or shred it.

·         I am the father of a murdered child, a son in 1993.
·          I am the father of a murdered son that was murdered by a juvenile that although in California at the time the   Brady Law was in effect as well as several other restrictive gun control laws his murderer bought his firearm at a Los Angeles area donut shop. In other words those gun control laws were not something he felt obliged to follow and they certainly didn’t prevent my son’s murder.
·         I am a father of a murdered son who was advised by the Los Angeles Police Officers after his murder that even though the murderers friends (gang members) were trying to intimidate my sons friends that were going to be called upon to testify in the trial of his murderer were being followed and sometimes shot at, they could not protect us 24/7 and our best defense was to legally buy a firearm to protect my family and me.
·         I am a father of a murdered son that while he and my daughter were growing up chose not to have a firearm in our home for safety reasons, not because we were forbidden to do so by meaningless gun control laws.
·         I am a father that truly understands what the parents and loved ones of those innocent children, their families and friends are now being forced to go through, something that is so unimaginable and horrific it is and will always be incomprehensible.
·         I am a father of a murdered son that can understand if they (the parents and survivor’s of those children) choose to fight for more gun control that is their right and duty if they feel that way. However, no matter how earnest the President seemed (which I don’t doubt his sincerity) when talking at the memorial service in Newtown, CT yesterday that he and the anti-gun movement will and are using this horrific slaughter as a tool to take away our constitutional rights. An individual should and must fight for what they believe in not what you are told you should believe in.
·         Finally, as I have previously mentioned I am a father and a veteran that took an oath when enlisting in the Army that I would swear to uphold the U.S. Constitution even if it meant giving my life for this great country. I swore to uphold all of it not just the parts that I agreed with and destroy those that didn’t fit my agenda or personal beliefs, just like the President, Senator’s and U.S. Representatives did when they took their oath of office.

Respectfully yours,

Ralph L Myers






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