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Saturday, July 28, 2012

No Mr. President more gun control isn't the answer!

July 26, 2012

President Barack Obama

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

The young man’s watermark image appearing on this letter is our son Tom A Myers. Sadly his mother and I share a common bond with the other parents, family members and friends of those that were murdered in last Friday’s horrific event that took place in Aurora, our son Tom was also a victim of gun violence when he was murdered on July 24, 1993 almost 19 years to the day of the Aurora shootings.

Yesterday during a speech you called for stricter gun law registration saying it will help keep guns away from sick individuals like the person that killed 12 innocent people in Colorado. As you or a staff member read this letter from yet another heartbroken mother and father you or they will think it is a letter of support for such new legislation. Mr. President, nothing could be further from the truth.

In 1993 when our son Tom was murdered in a suburban area of Los Angeles the Brady Law was already in effect and in California there also were many other restrictive gun laws on the books that were placed there in order to achieve the same results you are once again seeking. Now Mr. President Tom’s mother and I ask you to take a long and hard look at the image of our son Tom as I ask you this question, “did the Brady Law or any gun control law prevent Tom’s murder? Sadly, Mr. President the answer is NO THEY DIDN’T as his murderer bought his 9MM semi-automatic Glock 9 hand gun at a DONUT SHOP. (I can provide court transcripts from the trial of his murderer as proof of where he bought the gun if needed.)

What you and many of your supporters are asking Mr. President is nothing more than “feel good and worthless election year legislation” that you will hail as your attempt to prevent a reoccurrence of the Aurora, CO events. All it will accomplish is to further erode my 2nd Amendment Rights to own and bear a firearm, which by the way is why I have become a vocal advocate against more and useless gun control laws that will make it more difficult for law-abiding citizens like us to obtain a firearm to protect ourselves from the lawless elements in our society even though we have already been victimized by a person that could care less about gun control laws.

Mr. President, I could add a lot more to this letter but I want it to be as brief and to the point as possible. However, I also do want to thank you for re-energizing the voters and citizens of America that stand opposed to having more of our Constitutionally granted rights further diminished and ultimately taken away entirely by you and your leftist allies. If you think for one moment we won’t remember on November 6th, 2012 you are sadly mistaken.


Ralph L. Myers

CC: Washington Senator’s Murray and Cantwell, Congressman Rick Larson
       NRA- Wayne LaPierre and Chris Cox

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