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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

America - - 2012 A New Kind of Bailout is needed!

AMERICA- - 2012
A New kind of Bailout is needed!

Right or wrong, whatever one may believe, pro or con about the financial bailout given at the end of the Bush Administration or during the first years of the Obama one, it is my opinion a new and different kind of bailout is needed. This time however, the kind of bailout America needs is not financial instead it is more of an adjustment or re-direction in the path she is being taken down. Let me explain why I feel the way I do;

·         NEW BAILOUT ONE: to me, this is the most important one, NO MORE APOLOGIES being given to other nations from an apologist President or members of his Cabinet. America is, and has always been a great and benevolent country. Thousands of American military members are buried in cemeteries in many of the countries they fought to defend and died for in order to preserve their freedom while defending ours. They protected those nations by defeating a tyrannical despot or Fascist regime. They did their best, their bravery was unparalleled. Yes, sometimes they made mistakes that didn’t reflect the true nature of the American character. But, in the end those countries survived and remain free. No, we Americans are not seeking anything other than acknowledgement we were there for you when you needed us and will always be so as long as America survives. But hear and heed this international community we damn sure don’t owe you any apologies!

·         NEW BAILOUT TWO: for those Americans that are truly disabled and can’t work or survive without government assistance it will and always should be there for you. But to all other Americans, stop looking to state and federal government for a free ride or a hand out. No one in America is entitled as many Americans feel they are and what this Administration would have you believe. Samuel Adams, one of America’s founding fathers made the following statement; “The utopian schemes of leveling (wealth distribution) and communities of goods are as visionary and impractical as those which vest all property in the crown. “These ideas are arbitrary, despotic, and in our government, unconstitutional.” America is the greatest country on earth where it is possible for one to realize and live a life of freedom unlike any other place in the world. Looking to the government to give you prosperity and freedom by taking from others that have worked hard and earned it is the sure route to losing them. Prosperity and freedom’s that were earned through sacrifices in blood, sweat and tears of generations past were not then and should never be as a result of a government hand-out or class warfare.

·         NEW BAILOUT THREE: our American way of life as we have known and intended it to be since 1776 and then again in 1787 when the U.S. Constitution was adopted has never been in jeopardy as it is today. From the President of the United States, every federal and state elected official, members of the armed forces and down to law enforcement have taken an oath to uphold it. Yet through legislation such as the Affordable Health Care Act the very principles of the constitution are or will be routinely circumvented by it unless the U.S. Supreme Court overturns it this year. First Amendment right’s most recently came under attack by one of the provisions of the Health Care Law that forces religious institutions to disregard their core beliefs and tenet’s. At this very moment as I write this there is an amendment to the Health Care Law has been allowed to be brought to the Senate Floor for a vote that was introduced by Missouri Senator Roy Blunt. Senator Blunt’s amendment states “nothing in this title (or any amendment made by this title) shall be construed to require an individual or institutional health care provider, or authorize a health plan to require a provider, to provide, participate in, or refer for a specific item or service contrary to the provider’s religious beliefs or moral convictions.” To me, this amendment is a simple and straight forward effort in protecting the First Amendment right to free exercise of one’s religious beliefs or practices. It has nothing to do with a woman’s right to practicing birth control or contraception; it just does not or will not allow the health care law to circumvent the First Amendment to the constitution. The President in supporting and allowing the health care law to become the law of the land by his signature has violated the very oath of office he took when he was sworn in.

These are but three of what I feel are new and different kinds of bailout steps that need to be recognized and taken to put America back on the correct path in restoring her rightful place in the world. I for one am proud of my country and don’t feel a need or obligation to offer an apology to any other nation and demand that President Obama stop his apologies and to uphold the constitution he has sworn to do so.       

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